"We have entered the Age of Unity. That does not mean we become one homogenized society. It means we honor the uniqueness in each and every one of us. It means we heal all the ancestral wounds that have kept us from loving one another. It means we celebrate the greatness of humanity, the greatness of who we are. This is true in our personal lives as well as the collective humankind."

Humanity has had enough!!! We are no longer willing to live in oppression. We are awakening to the greatness of who we are, no longer willing to accept anything less.
We are in epic times. Duality has served its purpose. It’s no longer about what is right and what is wrong, who is right and who is wrong. It’s about how great all of us are, each of us individually and as a collective group of human beings.
The Indigenous people realize this. They have taken a stand at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Although the outpicturing of this is about stopping a pipeline and protecting the water. There is something much grander happening here, something much deeper.
If you only look at the photos streaming through the media, on the surface it appears to be “us” versus “them”. The Natives against the pipeline. What I really see is a return to the greatness of who we are. The Native tribes have gathered in unity. Tribes that at one time were at war with each other. In the past they have been warriors, painted in war paint, protecting their own.
Today they have all come together, once again as warriors, protecting their own. This time what they are protecting is OUR own. That which belongs to all of us, that which we ALL need to survive. . . clean water, clean air, and the fertile earth to grow food.
They are no longer using weapons of destruction. They are using that which has always been at the base of their teachings. They are using Prayer. They are praying for ALL of us. They stand in prayer face to face with soldiers armed with violent weapons. They are praying for Peace.They are praying for the prosperity for all of us. For without the purity of our natural elements we all die.
The Indigenous people all over the world know this. They have preserved these teaching over the centuries, even as we’ve continued to push them off their land. They have come forth to share their teachings for the preservation of the land. More importantly for the preservation of humanity. You see, although the earth will survive no matter what we as humans do. Humanity will not survive if we continue to rape her of the natural elements that our physical bodies need in order to thrive and prosper.
Not only is this a time of awakening. This is a time of healing, for the earth and all of humanity. The indigenous tribes have come together healing their ancestral battles against one another. Healing their anger at the white man who has stripped them of their land and their dignity. And they have invited all of us to join them. In response 500 clergy members prayed along the banks of North Dakota’s Cannonball River with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation in an historic show of interfaith solidarity.
We have entered the Age of Unity. That does not mean we become one homogenized society. It means we honor the uniqueness in each and every one of us. It means we heal all the ancestral wounds that have kept us from loving one another. It means we celebrate the greatness of humanity, the greatness of who we are. This is true in our personal lives as well as the collective humankind.
We have gone beyond the old world of duality. We will not survive long if we continue judging and pitting “us” against “them”. We can continue to war, fighting battles, protesting what’s wrong in the world, pointing fingers at who done what to who.
Or we can do as Michelle Obama says, “When others go low, we go high.” As the media continues to pit us against one another, the Indigenous people all around the world are rising up in prayer with forgiveness and peace in their hearts. Will you join them?
Are you willing to rise above the drama and chaos and see the truth of who we are? Are you willing to celebrate the Greatness of humanity as brothers and sisters on a planet that offers abundance and prosperity for all of us? This is what is being offered to each and every one of us. This is the healing of humanity that is taking place with the realization that we are all in this together.
This morning I awoke with this song wafting through my consciousness: “This land is my land, this land is your land. . .” May we join in Peace and Prosperity.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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