So many of us are moving into even greater expressions of our Divine Self recently. This explanation resonates with me, so I wanted to share it with you. Gratitudes to Sharon Lyn Shepard.
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Distilling our Human Experiences into Soul Wisdom by Sharon Lyn Shepard
As I was falling asleep a few nights ago I recall feeling like I was the LA freeway with a multitude of timelines moving through me, much like all the cramped lanes of traffic with cars jutting from one lane to another. I wasn’t aware of the specifics of these timelines, simply aware that they existed within me. I was sensing the merging of timelines, much as the freeway going through the city eventually merges from the congestion of multiple lanes to only one lane the farther it gets from the city. I knew there was nothing I need do as I slipped into dreamtime.
As I moved through the following days memories of certain periods of my life began resurfacing. This happened often enough that I put aside whatever I was doing and sat down to be fully present with each of these memories as the observer without engaging. Whenever I did this there was a freeze frame, of sorts, and I was able to observe the layers of what I had experienced at that particular time. To my surprise, it was NOT what I thought had happened. What I remembered was only a tiny aspect of the multifaceted event that had taken place.
One of the most important things I’ve learned since my spiritual awakening many years ago is the mind’s propensity to judge and label things before putting them in linear order based on its past experience. Whereas the Soul lives in the present with an expanded nonjudgemental perspective. When I surrender to the Soul, my human self has access to this expanded perspective. Taking it one step further, when I befriend and trust the orchestration of my Soul, the process of living as a Soul in a human body becomes one of ease and grace.
Therefore, as I was experiencing these memories I asked my Soul, “What is the purpose of my remembering so much of my past right now?” I have a very intimate relationship with my Soul and I often get direct answers from my inner voice or via my journaling. Other times these answers surface in dreamtime while free of the constructs of the mind. This time I got the answer in a book I was guided to read.
While reading the book “Act of Consciousness” by Adamus Saint-Germain through Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe, I came upon a passage that clarified things for me. “The divine distills every experience into wisdom.” Taking the liberty to paraphrase it further: The soul wants to experience just for the sake of experiencing. It doesn’t need to validate itself for it is already complete in the knowing that it exists. The soul takes everything the human experiences, distills it into its pure wisdom, drinks that in and falls more deeply in love with itself, again and again and again with every new experience.
It became clear to me that as a conscious multidimensional observer I am currently remembering my past in the same way my Soul experiences life. I am being blessed to experience all of these timelines/stories running through me while simultaneously being distilled into their wisdom. I get to choose if I would like to continue each timeline with my new judgment-free perception, or if its purpose is complete and ready to be dissolved.
Some of these timelines which I thought had been resolved occasionally circled back around into my consciousness. That’s because timelines are not as linear as we think. Just like the cars that jut back and forth between lanes on the freeway, there are aspects of ourselves living in multiple timelines that need to unravel from one before they can be released from another. This is THE lifetime in which we are clearing and distilling ALL timelines as we transcend our human mind to expand into our multidimensional Self Knowing. This is a sacred gift from our Soul that we’re not usually conscious of until after our human death.
However, this is a gift that is ever present and happening behind the scenes for all of us AND we have the ability to access and utilize it while still alive in these human bodies. All it takes is surrendering our human mental perspective to that of the Soul’s. Sounds simple, eh? It is. True spiritually is always simple.
It is only the mind that turns spirituality into arduous tasks such as healing wounds, shadow work, affirmations, incantations, etc, etc. . . for fear of losing its self importance. Although our mind may think it’s in control, it is short lived. Perhaps that’s why it fights so hard for self validation. What the mind does not realize is that it’s being offered a promotion, rather than a death threat. Even most of what we call our spiritual practices are being run by the mind. Therefore, we are awakening and communing with our Soul in altered states of dreamtime, meditation, napping, nature and things such as these, until we break free of the constructs of the mind to consciously realize and embody our Divinity.
The Soul is eternal, free of judgment, without any need of validation. When we surrender to our Soul we know we are always on the right path, our own unique path of Enlightenment. Notice I said, “path OF Enlightenment” not “path TO Enlightenment” for enlightenment is not a destination, it is our infinite growth and expansion. According to the Soul we can’t get it wrong because it’s all human experience being distilled into pure wisdom. We are each experiencing life according to our Soul’s journey. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, for each is on their own Soul journey to be honored just as we honor ours.
The past few mornings I’ve awakened with a sweet smile on my face, feeling the innate pleasure my Soul feels as the first rays of dawn glisten across the forest, listening to the harmonies of birdsong, enjoying the fresh morning breeze across my face while still snuggled under my warm duvet. Soul embodiment allows the Soul to feel and experience as the human, and the human has the gift of the Soul’s distilled wisdom which we call Self Knowing. This might be what some call “Seeing through the eyes of the Soul”. For me, it is living heaven on earth, enjoying physicality with the gift of the totality of my Soul’s wisdom distilled from my human experiences which I now realize are all sacred.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall
~ Note:
A little over a year ago I wrote an article called Letting Go of “Letting Go” . I now realize that was a precursor for what I am experiencing today. If what you’re reading doesn’t quite resonate with you perhaps reading that article can offer you some groundwork. Everything I write is in the moment. As I grow and expand, so does my awareness. It is not meant to be written in stone, nor bound in a text. It is simply my personal Soul’s journey being shared for those who may resonate with it. We each have our own Soul journey, our own perceptions, and our own distilled wisdom while experiencing life in our own personal ways. May your heart always be open to hear the voice of your Soul.
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