Not the Masters degree I received thru study, but as a master of high frequency energy, embodying the qualities you most desire to experience in your Divine life. They may include:
- Living in the peace that passes understanding, knowing that no matter what chaos and dis-ease occurs around you, or on your surface you are centered deep in joy filled well-being,
- Exuding and experiencing unconditional acceptance and love,
- Connecting with the wonder of everyone and every thing on the earth and in the cosmos,
- Experiencing your self as a Divine energy of All That IS,
- Achieving order, balance, bliss, certainty, clarity, harmony, generosity, curiosity, contentment, presence, serenity, and other high vibeing qualities you wish to actualize,
- Accessing boundless energy and vitality
- Relishing each now moment
- Choosing to perceive every situation from the highest perspective,
- Living an expanded open minded and open hearted reality full of choice and freedom.
- Collaborating with others who share your passion and "get you"
- Attracting an abundance of everything good beautiful and (w)holy,
Claim this and any other attributes and experiences you wish to actualize in 2015. Go out into the quantum field, create and catch a wave with all these energies. Sense and with extreme feeling, know yourself to be magnetizing and living them.
I add my energy to this alchemical mixture and invite you to play with me in 2015 as we "hang 10" or maybe infinitely experience ease and effortless materializing of these particles in creating your daily life as the Divine You. ......