Are you ready to stand on the peak, call to your divine self and send out a siren song inviting the world to play with you in highest consciousness?
Are You wanting to operate in a very high dimension where everything occurs like a gracious opportunity to move yourself forward?
Do you want to enthusiastically dive into the wellspring of abundant life and invite others to relate to you there?
Thats fantastic!
In this first blog I'll invite you to do a self assessment to see where you are and get an idea of what you want to become. But first, watch the video of Bette Midler, known as the divine Miss M. Here are some suggested activities while you watch
* Open up and feel the tingling energy carry you into a higher vibration. * What signs of divinity do you see in her?
Will people call you "The Divine Ms or Mr ............" ?
1. What does divinity mean to you?
For me, divinity is knowing deep in your core that everything in your life is in perfect divine order ... purposeful, free of struggle, and leading you to the next level of the divine you. You have a sense of deep peace and joy that wells up from within no matter what's going on around you. It's a sense of certainty because you're so connected with 'All That Is' that Life can't be anything but absolutely amazing!
2. What are your specific gifts and talents?
3. Why do you feel like you are on the earth at this time?
4. On a scale of 1-10 how much are you living as your divine self? What would make it a 10.
5. When you are living as your divine self what will be different?
Don't worry if you are unsure about the answers you give. As we play together you will be exposed to different ideas about divinity and expand and clarify your desires and outcomes.
Your Divine Development .
- Take a minute or two when you wake up or climb into bed to just contemplate divinity, feel divine and get reacquainted with your Divine Self.
- Set an intention to become aware of when you are connected to your divine self, divine nature and Source, the Creator of All that IS during the day. Awareness is a foundational piece for becoming more Divine.
- Check back weekly for more divine details to enhance your experience.